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Resistance is Futile: The Rise of the Cyborgs in Warfare

Major JS McEvoy.   -

“The paradox of war is that humans are central to its conduct but also the weakest link. We want ‘war fighters’ – whether they be cyber specialist, drone pilots or infantry soldiers – to be stronger, faster, more intelligent, more resilient and more mobile to overcome the environment and the adversary”   

                         Ministry of Defence, Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm

“All things change in a dynamic environment. Your efforts to remain what you are is what limits you.”                     The Puppet Master, Ghost in the Shell


Maj Sam McEvoy’s article is written as a follow up to Maj Colin Williams article in the Summer Journal about Morality, Robots and Death.  This includes defining what cyborgs are (and are not), how close we might be to already being ‘cyborgs’, the opportunities and threats such developments could mean for future warfare and provokes debate on whether we can afford to resist the concept of cyborgs in warfare.

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